Pleasanton German Auto Repair


THE shop for servicing your Mercedes!


Great service , I was informed upfront about what the car service was going to cover and average cost. Fast and reliable. Totally recommend it!



For quite a long time I had had steering problems with our 2012 BMW X3. Essentially, when driving on the highway for more than 10 minutes, the steering felt "sticky" and it was hard to keep in the line. It felt as if you had to be doing small corrections necessary to keep the car from drifting outside the lane, and as if the steering "locked" into position. This made driving long distances unbearable and the thought of loosing steering increasingly worrisome. After a very patiently and careful revision of the steering mechanism, it was necessary to replace a number of parts, if not close to the entire steering mechanisms of the vehicle. The car runs now beautifully and it is such pleasure to have it steering as nicely as when it was new. My wife and I are most grateful for the care and professionalism that Ken, the owner of SAS German Auto, showed throughout our "mini-crisis" with the vehicle. It has been a long time since we don't take our car to the dealership. We most highly recommend to service your car at SAS German Auto!!! Eva and Emilio Garcia, Pleasanton, CA



BMW owners Look no further! SAS German Auto repair service is the best. The BMW dealership in Pleasanton was quick to tell me that my extended warranty purchased with the used car would not cover the repair (they were wrong) and it would cost almost $4000 to replace the airbag restraint system sensor in the passenger seat, as well as had the gaul to charge me $350 just to diagnose it. Something just felt wrong about their response and I was able to get the airbag restraint error message reset a few times elsewhere even though it was unclear if the airbag would even work in a collision. A very obvious safety hazard that BMW refuses to acknowledge and repair under warranty or recall in their 2018 and later models. (They did do a recall through 2017 only – my model is 2018 although was built in 2017). Luckily, I found SAS that took the time to diagnose specifically what specific codes were failing and needed replacement. In the end, with SAS’s detailed diagnosis, I called the extended warranty company directly and determined it was in fact covered and I was pleased SAS would actually work with them for reimbursement, which many shops will not. SAS kept me informed of the progress and timing with parts order, and returned my car fully functioning with no more error messages…. No more untrustworthy service by that dealership for me. THANKS SAS!!!!


Great service, I will definitely recommend SAS German Auto!



I only trust SAS to work on my Z3. Service is fabulous. Rick schedules the appointment and keeps me informed re what needs to be done and approximemt costs. I am confident in their workmanship and can drive my sweet roadster and feel safe.. thanks Ken for SAS.